Rheumatology in practice - 2008

Comment: An optimistic time after EULAR
Paul Emery
pp 3-3
Soft tissue disorders, particularly of the upper limb, affect up to 80% of adults during their lifetime, with a point prevalence of up to 40%. In the first article of this issue, Helena Robinson and Karen Walker-Bone document the various afflictions, stressing their clinical diagnosis and principles of treatment.
Soft tissue disorders of the upper body: a review
Helena Robinson and Karen Walker-Bone
pp 4-7
Soft tissue disorders of the upper limb are a common, heterogeneous group of clinical disorders that affect a considerable proportion of the population at any point in time. They have wideranging impacts on work and leisure activities and contribute to a significant burden of disability and substantial healthcare utilisation.
New treatments making headlines at EULAR 2008
Karen Douglas
pp 8-9
In recent months, you may have noticed your colleagues had disappeared to enjoy a few sunny summer days in Paris. Indeed, you may even be lucky to have been one of 14,000 in attendance yourself. I am not referring to Fashion Week, but the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) 2008 conference and I have been set the task of summarising it.
Increasing patient eligibility for anti-TNFs in the UK
Chris Deighton and Kimme Hyrich
pp 10-12
The 2001 British Society for Rheumatology (BSR) guidelines accepted by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) ensured that rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients had some access to anti-tumour necrosis factor (anti-TNF) drugs, but resulted in restrictions that are far greater than in other countries.
Infection and arthritis
Jason Seewoodhary and Andrew Keat
pp 13-16
Infection plays a role in many forms of inflammatory arthritis. In some, that role is well established; in others, it is probable; while in yet others, in which mechanisms are poorly understood, microbial involvement in pathogenesis is distinctly possible. With the increasing use of potent immunosuppressive treatment and implant joint surgery, complications of existing joint disease by secondary infection and prosthetic joint infection are increasing threats.
Joint aspirations and local injections: a practical guide
Brian Hazleman
pp 17-19
Aspiration and injection techniques are easily learnt and some knowledge of the easiest routes for each joint is of value to all doctors. Both diagnostic and therapeutic joint aspiration are often necessary in emergencies. Confidence is gained by studying diagrams, watching others and, finally, by using the techniques.

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